Table of Contents

All About Network Sockets

What is as Socket?

A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network.

Types of Sockets

Stream Socket

  • Also called connection-oriented sockets
  • Sends and receives messages through streams (much like reading/writing data from files)
  • Doesn't care about message boundaries
  • Commonly used for TCP

Datagram Socket

  • Also called connectionless sockets
  • Sends and receives messages as independent packets with defined boundaries (i.e. one receive = one message)
  • Commonly used for UDP

Raw Socket

  • Allows direct sending and receiving of IP packets without any protocol-specific transport layer formatting (basically skips the transport layer)
  • Has no concept of ports
  • Can be used if you want to implement your own transport protocol
  • Also used by network utility programs such as nmap, ping, etc.

Socket API

A collection of functions/methods/commands usually provided by the operating system to enable programs to use sockets and communicate with other programs.

Sockets in the OSI and TCP/IP models
Figure 1. This diagram shows how the Socket API fits in the OSI and TCP/IP models.

Berkeley Sockets

  • Also called connectionless sockets
  • Sends and receives messages as independent packets with defined boundaries (i.e. one receive = one message)
  • Commonly used for UDP

List of Common Berkeley Socket API Functions


Instantiates a socket object


Binds an IP address and port number to a socket object


Establishes a connection to a remote host


Used by servers to listen for incoming connections


Accepts a connection request from the listen() function and returns a new socket associated with the new connection


Sends data through the socket


Receives data from a socket


Closes the socket

Other common socket functions include:

  • read(), recvfrom(), or recvmsg()
  • write(), sendto(), or sendmsg()
  • gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr()

TCP Socket API Call Sequence

TCP Socket Flow Diagram
Figure 2. This diagram shows a typical typical TCP socket API call sequence.

UDP Socket API Call Sequence

TCP Socket Flow Diagram
Figure 3. This diagram shows a typical typical UDP socket API call sequence. Note the absense of connection-specific socket calls such as connect(), listen(), and accept().

Socket Protocols

  • Other values include IPPROTO_SCTP and IPPROTO_DCCP

Note that you can use the same port number for different protocols.

Socket Domains (aka Protocol Family/Address Family)


  • Corresponds to IPv4
  • AddressFamily.InterNetwork in the .NET implementation


  • Corresponds to IPv6
  • AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 in the .NET implementation


  • Corresponds to local sockets (using a file)
  • Used in UNIX for inter-process communication (IPC)

Socket Operating Modes

Blocking Mode

  • When operating in Blocking mode, some socket functions such as accept(), send(), and recv() will block execution until the operation is successful. The accept() function for instance, will wait until a client initiates a connection to the server.
  • In .NET, this can be set by assigning true to the Socket.Blocking property. This is the default value in .NET.

Non-Blocking Mode

  • In non-blocking mode, socket functions will not block execution.
  • In .NET, this can be set by assigning false to the Socket.Blocking property.
